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October 2024
Lingen Davies Joins Meeting Point House Family
Lingen Davies Cancer Fund has moved into Meeting Point House and joins our 'family' of charities and community organisations.

Naomi Atkin, CEO of Lingen Davies, said the move was an exciting time for the charity as it looked to build on the existing supporter base in the town.

“This year marks the 45th anniversary of Lingen Davies being established to bring cancer services to Shropshire,” she said.

“Since then we have a long history supporting patients throughout Telford, Shropshire and Mid Wales who have been impacted by cancer.

“We now have established hubs in Mid Wales, Shrewsbury and Telford where our community can come and meet us, discuss how they can support us, seek advice and support, and find out about the many holistic therapies we deliver which are free for patients.

“We have lots going on and working closer with the community in Telford is a key part of our work as we look to the future.”

Wayne Jenson, CEO of Meeting Point Trust, said Meeting Point House was a popular base for charities due to its location and facilities.

He said: “We are very pleased to welcome the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund to Meeting Point House. We are already home to a fantastic community of charities and organisations, and we hope the Lingen Davies team are settling into their new office well".

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September 2024
Meeting Point Trust Welcomes New Board
Business owner Liam Scott has joined the board of Meeting Point Trust, which oversees the operation of Meeting Point House in Telford.

Wayne Jenson, chief executive of Meeting Point Trust, said the commitment of trustees was integral to the ongoing success of the charity. “We are delighted to welcome Liam Scott as a new member of the board of trustees,” he said. “Liam runs his own business, Scott Risk Management, and his experience will be hugely beneficial in creating an increasingly successful business model for the charity.

“We really appreciate and value the input of all of our trustees, who freely give their experience and expertise to help Meeting Point Trust achieve its objective of supporting people in our community.”

Reverend Keith Osmund-Smith BEM, who founded the Telford Street Pastors group, is chair of trustees and said new volunteers were always very welcome to join the board.

“We gave a very warm welcome to Liam as the newest addition to the board, and his enthusiasm and fresh ideas are already proving to be a great help,” he said.

“Having a wide selection of backgrounds is really important and we are keen to hear from anyone interested in joining the trustee board. We are particularly in need of a treasurer at the moment, so anyone with an interest in book-keeping and finance would be very welcome.

“A trustee role is also really good for a young person’s experience and looks great on a CV to make them stand out from the crowd when applying for a job or university place.”

For more information about becoming a trustee visit;

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August 2024
Investing in our Team to Support Mental Health
We value the wellbeing of our team just as highly as any health and safety legislation.

Meeting Point House has teamed up with Colleen Mullarkey, of Nourish Holistic Wellbeing, to support staff with their mental health and wellbeing. Wayne Jenson, CEO of Meeting Point Trust, said the input had been greatly appreciated by staff.

He said "some people don't realise that every employer legally needs to have a stress risk assessment in place as part of the duty of care towards the health, safety and general wellbeing of their staff.

"I believe that the mental health of your team should be just as important, if not more so, than any of your workplace health and safety policies. I recently attended Colleen's Workplace Mental Health and Holistic Wellbing for senior leaders workshop, which was really interesting.

"That led us to arranging for Colleen to come into Meeting Point House to deliver the Workplace Wellbeing Toolkit workshop to our team.

"The session really brought the team together and made us all think about how we can help ourselves and each other to be healthier and happier at work.

“I would highly recommend every employer to spend some time thinking about the wellbeing of their staff, as we all know a happy work place is more productive and just a generally much more pleasant place to be"

Colleen said the saession looked at the five basic holistic essentials for optimising wellbeing and reducing stress: emotional health and self regulation; mental health; mindset and creating new habits; healthy nutrition; moving the body; collective wellbeing and helping each other,

She added: "we discussed how the tools relate to their personal working day given their different roles, the environments they work in, and also the specific nuances particular to Meeting Point House.

"We covered how they can integrate the tools to support their own health and wellbeing at work, and each employee completed their own wellbeing plan. Following up with the team whenever I have dropped into Meeting Point House since the workshop, they still tell me what they are doing as a direct result of the workshop ahich is so nice! It's great to be able to help and see how much they value the tools"

Wayne said the wellbeing plans created during the workshop were now being integrated into the staff appraisal process, ensuring they would be considered and updated on a regular basis.

He added ”we have really valued Colleen's input and our team feel more empowered to look after themselves better - they are healthier and happier in themselves, which ultimately benefits the whole team and the customers they come into contact with.

As CEO, the process has given me more insight into the team as individuals, and along with the existing procedures we have in place, is helping our staff become the very best version of themselves".

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July 2024
We’ve Bee-n Busy Bee’s!
This new initiative offering a purpose-built room for free use by community groups and charities is now finished. A welcoming space, called The Hive, which is also available to businesses for a small charge.

Wayne Jenson, CEO of Meeting Point Trust, said the room could host small meetings or drop-in sessions, with Citizens Advice already using the room every Monday to help people access support.

He said: “We are delighted with how the room has come together - it looks fantastic and is a really pleasant place for people to meet.

“The main purpose of the room is to serve our local community by offering a space which voluntary groups and charities can use totally free of charge.

“We are pleased to welcome Citizens Advice who will be providing drop-in support sessions in The Hive every Monday.

“It will also be readily available for our resident organisations to use as a private space to meet visitors, and act as a place for people of differing religious beliefs, or none at all, to spend time in contemplation or prayer.

“Along with these uses, The Hive will be an important place to signpost any individuals who come to Meeting Point House for guidance, so we are inviting support groups to provide literature and information which we can display in the room.”

Will Davies, of Citizens Advice, added: “Telford & the Wrekin Citizens Advice is now at the heart of the community, offering a vital drop-in service at Meeting Point House.

“This new initiative allows residents to access crucial information, receive signposting to relevant services, and book appointments with ease. The welcoming space, known as The Hive, is available every Monday from 9am to 4.30pm for these support sessions, ensuring that help is always within reach.

“This underscores our commitment to serving the community and providing accessible support for all.”

Voluntary groups and charities can simply turn up and use the room, but are advised to book in advance to guarantee it is available when they need it. Businesses are able to book the room for £15 per hour.

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June 2024
Students Thriving at our Hummingbird Cafe
Young people are being given the chance to learn new skills and build their confidence at the “cafe that wants to make a difference” in Telford.

The Hummingbird Cafe, at Meeting Point House in Southwater, has teamed up with colleges and training providers to offer work placements to students - who are thriving in a different environment to the classroom.

Students from Juniper Training, Derwen College and Nova Training are currently working at the cafe one day a week as part of their courses, undertaking a variety of tasks from dishwashing to serving customers.

Sharon Dean, catering manager at Meeting Point House, said the arrangement was beneficial to everyone involved.

She said: “A big part of the ethos of Meeting Point House is being at the heart of the community, and The Hummingbird Cafe is a big part of that.

“We really value the opportunity to offer young people the chance to gain the life experience of a friendly, busy workplace so we are pleased to work with a number of training providers.

“We currently have three students coming in for a day a week - Paul, Beth, Alfie and Ethan - who all face different challenges and are doing really well.

“It’s great to see their confidence grow and they really do develop as people during their time with us.

“A big part of hospitality is interacting with people, and the customers get to know our students and love seeing them flourish too.”

Wayne Jenson, CEO of Meeting Point Trust, said The Hummingbird Cafe was becoming increasingly popular with customers and was an important part of Meeting Point House.

He added: “A key aim of the cafe is to offer good quality food at affordable prices, as well as being a place where people and groups can get together.

“We are happy to be the cafe that wants to make a difference here in Telford, and we look forward to welcoming more students in the future.”

One of the students, 19-year-old Ethan, is coming to the end of a three-year Hospitality and Food Pathway course with Derwen College, and is hoping to continue working at The Hummingbird Cafe when his course finishes.

Sharon added: “Ethan is a real star and has been working with us for six months. He has done so well that we are hoping to welcome him as an apprentice in September.”

Abi Baker, work experience and supported internship coordinator at Derwen College, said: “We are incredibly proud to be able to work alongside employers like The Hummingbird Cafe, who give young people like Ethan the opportunity to begin their working lives in a safe and supportive environment.

“This kind of vocational experience allows students to learn industry standard practice and build independence; the confidence they gain enables them to grow in all aspects of life.”

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May 2024
Newly-Refurbished Meeting Rooms and Break-out Area
Businesses, community organisations and charities are being encouraged to make the most of newly-refurbished facilities in the heart of Telford.

Meeting Point Trust has invested up to £40,000 revamping all 11 of its meeting rooms and, most recently, has completed the installation of a dedicated breakout area with a bean to cup coffee machine.

Wayne Jenson, CEO of Meeting Point Trust, said all meeting rooms had been redecorated, with new carpets fitted and new facilities such as 55-inch LED TVs installed.

“I often say Meeting Point House is something of a hidden gem here in Telford,” he said. “Our meeting rooms vary in size from a small room suitable for a one-to-one chat to a large conference room which seats up to 100 people.

“We also have The Octagon Room which is a beautiful space, easily accessible on the ground floor, suitable for anything from celebration events to yoga and well-being sessions.

“Meeting Point House is not a community centre but we are at the centre of our community. We want to encourage people to come and use the facilities which is why we are introducing free room hire, subject to availability, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for fellow charities, community groups and voluntary organisations.

“Our meeting rooms are extremely competitively priced and we are always keen to be as flexible as possible to meet people’s needs.

“We are open to everyone - whether you are a business or charity holding a meeting or hosting an event of any kind.”

Meeting Point House opened in 1988 and has been a fixture in the Southwater area of Telford Town Centre ever since. Mr Jenson was installed as CEO last year and is looking to grow the organisation and enhance its links with the community.

He said: “Meeting Point House is a fantastic place, providing everything from reasonably-priced hot meals at The Hummingbird Cafe and a home for various charities, to signposting people to appropriate support services.

“Our 11 meeting rooms are very much the centrepiece - hence the name Meeting Point House - and I am proud of our facilities following the investment we have made in recent years.

“Our clear message to businesses, charities and any community group is to get in touch or come and visit us to see what we have to offer.”

One of the charities based at Meeting Point House is Yellow Ribbon, which supports ex-offenders.

Rita Wilkinson, property and office manager for Yellow Ribbon, said the beauty of Meeting Point House was that small to medium organisations could have a town centre address at a reasonable cost.

She added: “It's great to see Meeting Point House looking so good these days. The team and facilities here are excellent and so central to everything in Telford, it is the perfect location for Yellow Ribbon.”

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April 2024
Adam is Celebrating the Completion of his Apprenticeship
It’s a family affair at Meeting Point House, with Adam Davies joining sister Sarah on the staff team, with his brother Jack and mother Avril both having previously worked for the charity too.

Meeting Point Trust is the charity which operates Meeting Point House in Southwater - a community building home to numerous charities, meeting rooms which are available to any organisation or business, along with the Hummingbird Cafe.

Adam started volunteering at Meeting Point House when he was 16, and then embarked on a business administration apprenticeship through Telford College of Arts and Technology in November 2022.

He has now completed his apprenticeship and joins the team as a full-time member of staff - following in the footsteps of sister Sarah, who is finance administrator at Meeting Point House.

Wayne Jenson, CEO of Meeting Point Trust, said Adam is a popular member of the team.

He added: “As a charity at the heart of the community we recognise the importance of bringing young people into the world of work, and apprenticeships are a great way of doing that.

“Adam has been an important part of Meeting Point House, along with his mum, brother and sister, since he started volunteering in the cafe when he was 16, so finishing his apprenticeship is a nice completion of the circle.

“Adam’s role has involved booking our meeting rooms, which are popular with a range of businesses and organisations, manning the reception desk, and dealing with any issues our tenant charities may have.

“As a growing organisation with big plans for the future, Adam’s role will grow with us and we look forward to continuing to support him as he continues his career.”

Adam said he had enjoyed the challenge of being given plenty of responsibility during his apprenticeship.

“Everyone has been really welcoming throughout my time working at Meeting Point House,” he said. “I was pleasantly surprised at how much responsibility I was given, which I have thoroughly enjoyed, and I am looking forward to seeing how my role develops.

“I faced plenty of challenges during my apprenticeship, and I’m grateful for the support of Wayne who has been very supportive.

“Much of my day is spent on reception, so I have met lots of people from all walks of life, signposting them to various support services as necessary.

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March 2024
New Photograph Exhibition Shows Telford Through a Lens
Stunning images showing “Telford through a lens” have gone on display following a competition for people to capture photographs showing what Telford means to them.

The exhibition is a new addition to Meeting Point House in Southwater, and is a partnership between Meeting Point Trust and the Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Ann Johnson, the Lloyds Bank Foundation local implementation lead for Telford & Wrekin, said photographs were part of a project called ‘Re-imagining Telford’.

She said: “My role is to strengthen small community-led organisations and find new ways of designing and resourcing services so that people facing complex issues get the support they need, when they need it and in ways that work best for them.

“During some workshops with groups of young adults last year, we realised that people identify with Telford in very different ways - is it a town or a borough? What does it mean to people? “So we decided to put a call-out for people to submit photographs which showed what Telford means to them. We were delighted with the standard of entries and are grateful to Meeting Point House who have created a really striking display.”

Wayne Jenson, CEO of Meeting Point Trust, said: “We hosted the ‘Re-imagining Telford’ exhibition with the Lloyds Bank Foundation in October, which included an exhibition of photographs taken as part of the project. “I thought we should make the most of the wonderful space we have here at Meeting Point House and suggested we could introduce a permanent exhibition. “So we now have about a dozen photographs on display, under the banner of ‘Telford Through A Lens’, and they look absolutely brilliant.

The winner of the photography competition was Emma Woodhouse, who works for Walker Health and Safety Services based in Telford, with her photograph taken on The Wrekin.

She said: “Winning the photo competition was an unexpected thrill for me! When I stumbled upon the competition on Facebook, I decided to submit a couple of photos that truly encapsulated the beauty and tranquillity I find in my surroundings. “One photo captured me basking in the serenity of the Shire, surrounded by a picturesque landscape and an awe-inspiring sky, filling me with a profound sense of gratitude. The other showcased the enchanting sight of snow blanketing the Wrekin, a place that holds a special significance in my heart.

“Receiving that email from Ann Johnson, informing me of my first-place victory, was nothing short of a dream come true. I was absolutely over the moon! I never dared to imagine that my photographs would be chosen among the entries.”

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February 2024
New Chief Executive Officer of Meeting Point Trust
Wayne Jenson is the new CEO of Meeting Point Trust, based at Meeting Point House in Southwater, which has a long history of supporting the community in Telford.

Mr Jenson said he planned to strengthen the Trust’s offer to the local community, along with expanding the range of events and facilities provided at Meeting Point House.

“The building has been at the heart of Telford since 1988, but many people don’t realise just how much we offer,” he said.

“We have eight meeting rooms, all of which are recently refurbished or in the process of being upgraded, and are very reasonably priced for use by businesses or community organisations.

“Then we have the Octagon Room, which is a wonderful bright and airy space for all kinds of events, from yoga sessions to birthday parties.

“We are proud of our in-house Hummingbird Cafe, which provides good quality freshly cooked food at subsidised prices - it’s fantastic value for money and is increasingly popular.

“I really think Meeting Point House is one of Telford’s hidden gems and we are excited about spreading the word and expanding what we do - whilst staying true to the charity’s principles of connecting, inspiring and supporting the local community.”

The building is home to a number of charitable organisations, such as Telford Stay and Yellow Ribbon, and the cafe is regularly used by Telford Mind for drop-in events.

“Every penny of income we generate goes back into the building and providing community activities, so if we can maximise our potential it’s great news for everyone.”

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